
Brazilian Consulate

On the website of the Consulate of Brazil in Brussels you can find a range of services aimed at Brazilians and foreigners who need support, such as: consular assistance, certificates and declarations, passport and civil registration.

The service is provided through the e-consular, but in some cases it can be in person, to do so contact the Consulate directly.

Belgian Community Therapy Hub.

Integrative Community Therapy (ICT) is a conversation and attentive listening circle, which aims to socialize problems and find joint solutions in order to provide an improvement in the quality of life, through the exchange of experiences, sharing of knowledge, emotions, joys and sufferings that once shared, we creatively seek to find solutions and collective support, promoting the formation of a network of solidarity and mutual help in the community.

Psychological Assistance

The Consulate General of Brazil in Brussels began offering free psychological assistance services to Brazilians residing in Belgium and Luxembourg who require emergency support. The service is provided by a specialized professional and is punctual, intended to help consultants in emergency situations, always on Tuesdays, from 9am to 11am.

Women of Brazil Group

Our mission

Support and promote development and social inclusion actions for Brazilian women living in Belgium. Our method is to inform people about Belgium, its processes, bureaucracy, and other specific demands. It is also our mission to offer inclusion tools to women in this new country. Know more...

To request assistance, send an email to:


É uma associação nada lucrativa (ASBL) e independente de todos os aspectos políticos da confissão. Foi constituída pela primeira vez em Novembro de 2010. Compreende o acompanhamento de adultos em suas diligências administrativas, a animação de ateliês socioeducativos para crianças e a oferta de cursos de línguas para crianças e adultos.

Além disso, as missões das pessoas que estão expostas à protecção das crianças, adolescentes e famílias, e ao respeito dos seus filhos, estão conscientes dos lusófonos dos migrantes, e têm especial atenção à cultura, à educação e à integração.

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